
I'm Home.

I twill be uploading photos now.. I will.. I promise. I'll upload loads of photos! Okay?
This is in Paris.
Just.. Crazy Mer- people with leg-tail- fin- things.
Donna and me copying them .
Lavender Fields.
Pastries Galor, In St. Tropez/ Coglin.
Chanel. St. Tropez.
This was at a beach. Who is the right mind would put that in front of their beach?
St. Tropez. Beach.
Nice. not nice. the City called Nice.
Sacred Heart. Paris second trip I'm done.. This took forever.

1 comment:

  1. I've taken so long to update my blog and put some photos up... I need to badly. It's just so hard to find them and put them up and everything! Gah.

    Glad somebody put SOMETHING of the trip up. Now people at least believe we went. Har hardy har har.

    ^that hardy was for Helen Hardy. :D
