
Mount Vernon! and a surprise guest... Jet Puff.

laura and i decided that we needed to take it easy today,  because tomorrow we have a whole lot of sightseeing to do. 
so us taking it easy is going to mount vernon, a large estate with a lot of walking. 

do you know what mount vernon is?

it is george washington's house! yeah, you probably knew that but i didn't know until like a week ago.. ok? give me a break.

anyways, it was really cool. and we learned about so much george washington history. and we even got to see george washington's first original lower jar denture. yeah i know! they were made out of human teeth and hippopotamus ivory. so cool. and did you know that in 1789 when george washington took the oath to be the president he only had one original tooth in his mouth, and the rest were fake? yeah i didn't know that. i guess he doesn't smile in his paintings so it's not like it was easy to tell or anything...

i also go to see where george washington died. which was sad, and after he died martha washington locked up their room and never reopened the room and never slept in the bed again. crazy huh? and out of an estimate of 300 letters between martha and george washington there are only 3 letters remaining? why, you may ask? because martha burned the rest to keep their love more private. pretty cool if you ask me. especially since everyone is so open with their relationships and PDA is like a huge thing. i thought that was really cool. modest lady.

here are some photos! 

 the east view of the mansion
 the view of the Potomac river from the mansion. 
 a very bad photo of the west view of the mansion.
and a huge head of George himself.

after exploring the grounds laura and i headed back home and enjoyed fluffernutters. 
fluffernutter: jet puff marshmallow creme (best stuff on the planet) with peanut butter served on white bread (best if bread is toasted) 

then laura and i tried to take a picture of me enjoying my a spoonful of marshmallow creme and it just ended up being really bad. 

we started out rocky, and then we started laughing at ourselves for doing this so then i laughed and got marshmallow creme on my nose and it just didn't work out, i wasn't going to post a picture at all but then i just got just decided to be a free spirit an do it anyways (did i just say free spirit?)... enjoy. 

bye, my friends. 

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