
Early Outs and Days off.

I think one of the best things that happen during the school year are when you have days off from school. I love them.
On monday we had a day off of school and it twas awesome. We went over to Colton's house swam in his pool. He had a diving board and a slide. It was fun. We swam for like.. 3 hours. I swear. We got floating beds and we did cheer stunts like.. Standing up on people's hand and stuff. It was so much fun. I would never be able be a cheerleader. So I think I'm just going to stick with swim team.. You know, the stuff that doesn't put you at risk for dying. We had a lot of fun. 

Then.. Today, Wednesday, we had early out!!! Got out at like.. 11:50 and we swam!!!! It was great.. We got in Austin's car and drove to Sub Zero and then went to Bajio's and then we went to.. COLTON'S house of course. Like always. I really enjoyed myself.. But I think I need to be more prone to taking pictures on my phone so I can post them on my blog! 
Otayz? Otayz. 

Check out my friend's blog Allie's BLOG also.. check this out too! Drea or.. Laura's blog

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