
Early Outs and Days off.

I think one of the best things that happen during the school year are when you have days off from school. I love them.
On monday we had a day off of school and it twas awesome. We went over to Colton's house swam in his pool. He had a diving board and a slide. It was fun. We swam for like.. 3 hours. I swear. We got floating beds and we did cheer stunts like.. Standing up on people's hand and stuff. It was so much fun. I would never be able be a cheerleader. So I think I'm just going to stick with swim team.. You know, the stuff that doesn't put you at risk for dying. We had a lot of fun. 

Then.. Today, Wednesday, we had early out!!! Got out at like.. 11:50 and we swam!!!! It was great.. We got in Austin's car and drove to Sub Zero and then went to Bajio's and then we went to.. COLTON'S house of course. Like always. I really enjoyed myself.. But I think I need to be more prone to taking pictures on my phone so I can post them on my blog! 
Otayz? Otayz. 

Check out my friend's blog Allie's BLOG also.. check this out too! Drea or.. Laura's blog


Memory Box

I always gather up things over the years, if it's from trips or letters. I just never keep them. I end up tossing them and missing them later. So I've decided to make a memory box.  It'll just be something where I have junk of 2011 that has a meaning to me, but doesn't have a meaning to others. 2011-2012 memory box. Just.. Sophomore year I guess. LOOK! It's so cute!! 

I made an antique background look, just for kicks. 


One Missed Call

On Friday we ended up going to school and then some people came back to my house for milkshakes. We had fun and it was such a blast. Then the cheerleaders had to leave and go cheer for the football game, that I didn't go to. I ended up staying home alone and I watched "Hellboy" and then went over to Colton's house to finish Mothman Prophecies which, in my opinion Insidious was more scary. I then went home, went to bed and I was ready for Saturday.

On saturday I had such a fun day. I woke up, did my chores and was totally relaxed. Then I called up Ana, and she was still asleep at 12. Woke her up and told her to get ready to go to the mall!!!  YESS! Ana and me wandered around the mall for jeans and finally found a some! I got 2 pairs of jeans at charolette rouse and then went to XXI and got me some nailpolish and found some stuff I want to buy next time I go! Then we went back to my house, painted nails and called the boyz up and told them to head over. Then we went in the Swagger Wagon and drove to little Caesars.  Then came back, called up some people and were ready to do something, we decided on the BYU game or movie.. for awhile we just hung around and finally decided on going watching movie.. We had some technical difficulties but finally got to getting a movie. We decided to watch One Missed Call freaking scary movie. There is a ringtone in it and it is so scary. You don't even know.  It was so fun. After the movie Kendall danced for us and it was so cool. Then the girls went to the guys cars and we wrote on the window in lipstick "Don't miss the call" all freaky like. Then when they left. We watched as they freaked out and then cleaned it off with windex. In the end it was fun night, full of Ping pong, Pizza, Pool Table, Dancing, Lipstick, One missed call, Scary ringtones and just some of the best people. 


Weeks A.K.A Friday

The days are getting slower. The weeks longer and sooner or later I swear time is going to stop all together. This week.. has been the longest week of my life. It is so long that I am practically freaking out and ready to pull my hair out. All I want is for it to be Friday. Friday. The best day of the week. Friday the day I get to hang out with friends after school. Friday The one thing in the whole wide world that I want the most right now. 

School: like I said before, sucks. I have such hard classes and I KNOW I am in over my head. I am suffocating. The only thing I enjoy is seeing my friends. Talking to boys and my Art class and Seminary. Only classes. That I like. 

Wish me luck? 


Scary Movies and Moving Forward

So if you guys know me, you would know that the one thing in the whole entire freaking world that I can't seem to handle are scary movies. I die about 70 times in my mind in just one scary movie. So I decided to start facing my fears! Good huh?  
On Friday we went to Colton's house and we were all hanging out and then the boys wanted to watch a scary movie classic? I know. They just want the girls all over them. But normal old me I protested! I refused for us to watch a scary movie, so they said, okay okay, let's watch something else. So we started a movie, I didn't know what it was.. So I asked Colton and he said It was just a movie. I started freaking out.. And then.. They told me it was a scary movie! THEY TRICKED ME! Those JERKS! Haha.. Not really, but I was really pissed. >:(. But I stayed strong and we would of probably finished the movie but everyone had to go home because it was late. lucky me! So we went home, oh yeah. the movie we watched was called Mothman Prophecies. which supposively is like one of the scariest movie evers. 

Then on saturday Ana and me decided we wanted to hang out with some other friends, Chandler and Austin and Ashlin and Matt and etc. sorry to the etc people. you are just not as important. ;) So we decided to go to a movie at the movie theatre. Called Super 8 another scary movie :S  We watch the movie and it is pretty freaking scary  because things pop out all the time! It's pretty freaking intense. I practically cling to the person next to me. by the way, I'm a scaredy cat. After we watch the movie we go and we decide to go to AJ's birthday party. We leave and we go and get Slurpees at 711, planning and coming back to the party but we don't. We then decide to rent a redbox movie.. I bet you can guess the kind of movie.... a scary one. they, not we, decide to rent Insidious are you freaking kidding me? I know right? I was dying inside. So we watch this movie at my house and 2 of the people in my basement I don't even know. It was fun but I was still freaking out! So scary. Luckily all movies have to end but I still was scared of my own house that night. 

School: it sucks. I don't even want to blog about it. It would just be me whining. 

Well next movie we are watching is probably either The Host or Cloverfield. 
Wish me good luck? 

Also.. Jeepers Creepers, where'd you get those peepers? - This will always be the most scary movie of my life.

Also. btw. I never finished that 30 day prompt. and probably never will. heh.